I’m a retired software developer. Through this web site I hope to return something to the open software community.

My projects tend to involve hardware of some kind coupled with software to make the hardware do something useful. For example, you will find two projects that together form an X10 home control system: athomepowerlineserver and ahps_web.

I particularly enjoy working with the Raspberry Pi (RPi). It’s cheap, relatvely powerful and can be run fan-less and head-less. As a result a number of my projects are deployed on RPi’s (e.g. the X10 system and the DMX controller). I even use a RPi as my home file server.

These days, my development language of choice is Python. This mostly comes from the RPi influence. However, I have worked with a fair number of languages during my professional career. So, languages like C/C++, C# and Ruby (to name a few) are not out of the question.

I do most of my development on OS X and Raspbian Jessie with occasional use of Ubuntu and Windows. This is a bit of a twist as I spent most of my professional career on Windows (and DOS before that and VM/370 and MVS before that).