MPD - Fork of
Reference: Music Player Daemon
This repo is a straight fork of the Music Player Daemon project housed at Originally, I created this fork for two purposes. First, I wanted a C/C++ project for “practice”. It had been quite a while since I worked on any sizable C/C++ project and this one was certainly large enough to meet that need. Second, I thought there might be some customizations that I would like to make because I wanted to run MPD on a Raspberry Pi. As of this time, that assumption has turned out to be false.
My fork contains a “map” branch where I experimented with some non-functional changes. This was a purely educational endeavor.
At this time, I just track the changes from the MPD project. I routinely build the changes on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Stretch and on macOS X (10.13.x and 10.14.x). Every now and then I come across a build error. In this small way my fork provides some benefit back to the MPD project.